Marking South migrations as new

written on Sunday, July 08, 2012 by

Sometimes you might get to the point where you accidentally faked all South migrations for a specific app using the ‑‑fake option, but the database is missing the last change.

In my case, I faked three migrations, but the database state was still at 0002. If you list the migrations, however, all migrations are marked as run.

$ ./ migrate cmsplugin_mailchimp --list

  (*) 0001_initial
  (*) 0002_thankyou_field
  (*) 0003_redirect_url

So what you want to do here is to mark the 0003 migration as new. There's no extra option to do this, but there is a different, quite obvious solution:

$ ./ migrate cmsplugin_mailchimp 0002 --fake

 - Soft matched migration 0002 to 0002_thankyou_field.
Running migrations for cmsplugin_mailchimp:
 - Migrating backwards to just after 0002_thankyou_field.
 < cmsplugin_mailchimp:0003_redirect_url

$ ./ migrate cmsplugin_mailchimp --list

  (*) 0001_initial
  (*) 0002_thankyou_field
  ( ) 0003_redirect_url

Now the state of South matches the state of the database, and I can actually run the last migration:

$ ./ migrate cmsplugin_mailchimp

Running migrations for cmsplugin_mailchimp:
 - Migrating forwards to 0003_redirect_url.
 > cmsplugin_mailchimp:0003_redirect_url
 - Loading initial data for cmsplugin_mailchimp.
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)

This entry was tagged databases, django and south